Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello bloggers this is my final blog I know you are all disappointed you won't be hearing from me after this one but getting use to the blogger nation was quite an experience. I got some upsetting news today my favorite player Derrick Rose is out for the season he injured his other knee and needs surgery this is saddening because I haven't got to see him play in like 2 years due to his other knee injury keeping him from playing for 2 years. But enough of that before I start thinking about it and I get upset that I don't get to watch him again this year. I am in a fantasy league for NFL football and I am currently in second place after coming off a week were I beat the first place person, my buddy Ryan. Playing fantasy keeps me occupied on Sundays as I stay tuned to my players. I also have a favorite team in the Browns but they make me mad because we aren't very good and find ways to blow games and it just pisses me off so I usually watch until I can't watch anymore. If you think Sundays are boring I encourage you to go out and play some fantasy football it will keep you on your toes on Sundays as you route for your players to do well it also has you watch more games instead of maybe only watching one game.
As my first semester of my freshman year draws to a close I am proud to say I am glad I chose Muskingum University. I have met so many friends and surrounded my self with all of these great people that attend Muskingum University. I feel Muskingum can shape me into the man I would like to be. I look forward to my time here at Muskingum University and all the new people I will meet on my journey to graduate from Muskingum University.
I am still in the high school stage of procrastination but I'm sure as I get into higher classes that will pull me out of that mode and I will be a better man for getting my work done and having time to spare instead of doing it all at once and then having to think if I got it all done.
Well I hope you all enjoyed reading my blogs and learned a little more about me and what I enjoy doing.. Im out peace.

Number 9

Hey its me again today was a pretty good day in the fact we didn't have lifting as a team but I went to the rec to hit and lift with my good buddy Matt Connor. Felt good to lift on our own and get a few hacks in the cage, trying to improve my game and be at tip top shape before the season starts. The baseball team goes to Florida in March as a spring break trip to play some ball in warm weather before we come back and start our season in Ohio. Im pretty excited to experience some warm weather and some Florida ball. I am very thankful I get the opportunity to wake up every morning and have the ability to do the things I can, some are not as privileged as others and I'm thankful I am. Once baseball season is in full swing I am sure I am going to have to maintain good grades along with baseball. The other day I filled out my schedule for next semester and I am getting a few of my major classes out of the way as well as taking LAEs that we are all required to take.
They are calling for one-two inches of snow over night and one-two through out the day. I am pretty excited to hear that snow is on its way seeing that I am going hunting quite a few times over break and hunting in the snow may be one of the most relaxing things I can say I do. I ate a pretty good dinner tonight after a few hard days of studying and doing labs I treated myself to some chipotle. Chipotle is one of my favorite places to eat, I enjoyed this dinner with my older brother Michael, Christian on of my buddies on the baseball team and Hannah my brothers "girl". I don't mind treating myself to a good meal after some hard work it feels like I earned the meal and it taste that much better. Not to mention I eat a lot of food so it is a good get away for me because all I think about is food all day long.
quote of the day "I can except failure everyone fails at something, but I can't except not trying" wise words of my favorite athlete Michael Jordan. thats it I'm out peace!!

Number 8

Hey everybody. As we get closer and closer to thanksgiving break I am looking forward to all the food and I will eat. My family sits around and tells lies during Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see my grandparents I haven't seen my grandparents since the first day I left for college, my grandpa told me he has something for me so I'm pretty excited to see what he has for me because he usually gives me some pretty sweet gifts. My grandmother prepares some pretty awesome meals for about 20 family members and when she lays it out on the tables there is so much food it is not even funny but my family surprisingly finishes all the food. I can say I have a big part in fishing my portion of the food as I usually get about 3 or 4 plates full of food. If it wasn't so cold out my family would have back yard football game but the weather this year is going to prevent us from having the annual turkey bowl. So we will just watch NFL football on Thanksgiving after eating a bunch of food and getting fat. I can't explain how excited I am for getting a small break from all the school work and stuff as I will get to see friends and family over break. I will also go hunting over break and hunting is my time away from everything I sit in my tree stand and just relax and not worry about anything, until that big buck walks in off course then all I think about is how I'm going to shoot this buck. My brothers also go hunting with me which makes it that much more enjoyable when they shoot something and I help them track it through the woods. The naming of the turkey when my grandpa brings the turkey home from cooking it at his work we all gather around the turkey and name the turkey. The past few years his name has been Tom but I am going to suggest a new name for the turkey this year can't be naming him the same name three years in a row that doesn't sound like good luck to me. The weather in New Concord is not changing much it is remaining cold and they are calling for snow, which means the warm weather is gone for awhile unless a warm front comes through which you never know about Ohio. I'm out peace!!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Number 7

Hello blogger nation. As the weather in Ohio gets colder my excitement for skiing/snowboarding grows everyday. I have been skiing/snowboarding ever since I was 4 years old. My family has taken trips to Peak n Peak New York for ski trips and those are a blast! In high school I was in ski club for 4 years and my junior and senior year I was the president of ski club. Every Thursday for 5 days out of the year we took a bus to Mansfield Ohio and went skiing the bus would leave right after school and head to Mansfield (this is the place I first learned to ski and snowboard) where we would get to ski until 9:00 then the bus would head back home. My junior year we raised enough money that we were able to take a trip to 7 Springs in Pennsylvania and got to spend a whole day on the slopes, now you want to take about a great time that was an awesome experience. My sophomore year my family had planned a trip to Big Sky Montana and we were going to go out there for a week and ski but that trip was shut down due to a massive snow storm that came through and the airport shut down all flights and we couldn't get another one for a couple days so we never got to go out there and I was pretty upset but I'm going to make sure some day I make it out west to experience skiing out there. I'm not much of your tricks guy I mean I'll go over the jumps and stuff but I'm not into hitting the rails and bowls they have set up, I don't plan on breaking a leg or an arm it is more for enjoyment for me rather than a sport. I have friends that ski/snowboard so its not like I go by myself when I go I usually take a group of friends and we go up and spend the whole day. Night skiing has to be one of the best things about skiing they have the lights on the slopes are lit up, and if it is snowing that makes it 10 times better because it is an awesome sight as your going down the mountain/hill. Thats all I have for my skiing adventures keep it real on the slopes.. peace out!!

Number 6

Hey everybody.. Classes I am taking here at Muskingum University consist of Psychology, Computer Science, Communications, Math 170, Math 175, IDIS, and Business Colloquium. I am just going to tell you a little bit about how each class is going and what we do in those classes. To start us off Psychology this class is kind of tough it takes a lot of thinking of things we just know how to do but you have to take the things you know and try and interrupt it into the process in which our body knows how to do it. So this class is probably my toughest class I am taking so far. Next we got Computer Science I enjoy taking this class because it is a lot of code writing and things but the labs you do are some what enjoyable, now there have been a few tough labs I have had to get some help on from my friends but for the most part I enjoy this class. Communications I'm not going to lie when I first got my schedule and saw this class on my schedule I thought to my self I'm not going to like giving speeches to a class but I was wrong this class has taught me so much about over coming something you might not like and it actually not being that bad, I don't mind staring in front of the class now and giving my speeches. I actually have to give a speech Tuesday which I'm excited about giving. Next are my Maths not much to say about my maths math is math, they are alright just don't enjoy the homework that comes with them. IDIS this is first year seminar which isn't a bad class, basically a class to introduce you to college and campus life. I have learned quite a bit in this class I might say. Last is my Business Colloquium, it is a class basically to introduction us who think we want to go into business about what types of things we can do with this degree. I really am glad I took this class because had I not took this class I feel like I would be behind in knowing what I should going into my major for next semester.
Those are my classes I don't mind going to any of them, there isn't a class I just dread going to each day.  Thats all I got peace!

Number 5

Hey everyone how is it going? So I played Intramural volleyball and our team name was Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies. We started our season off strong going 2-0 then we got beat a game, we didn't play very well thats why we got beat but for the most part we weren't bad. The games we played in the rec gym and in John Glenn gym. I really enjoyed playing in the close games the blow outs weren't much fun just because they weren't real competitive when we were beating them, but the games that were close and competitive we a blast. I enjoyed playing in the rec it made it feel like we were playing some serious volleyball on regulation court and net size. Our toughest games were against the staff they were VERY good, they played smart using all the hits they got to set up for a spike. We got beat by them in the poll play and wanted to stay away from them in the tournament as long as we could but we ended up playing them the second game of the tournament and we played our best game, it was basically the championship game because everyone was saying we were the two best teams in the league.. we ended up beating them but only because they didn't have one of their players so they played 5 on 6 and were to at a disadvantage. The championship game was played in the rec and students could come and watch and get free refreshments and chips and snacks while watching the championship game. It was a best of 5, playing to 25. We played well and ended up winning the championship it was a great experience playing volleyball and getting involved in the intramural system, met a few new people while playing. As the champs we received t-shirts that said Intramural Volleyball Champs, they are pretty nice shirts if you ask me. It was always good getting to play the games at night also because we usually did legs for baseball workouts and playing at night helped me to work out my legs so they wouldn't be so sore the next day. The games them self were a great workout in the fact that you had to run around and keep the ball in play. Thank you for your time, have a great day!! peace out

Number 4

Hello friends.. The other day was a crazy day for Muskingum University. I was sitting in speech class as a kid was giving his speech and I was up next going over a few things I wanted to say in my speech which is over Why Michael Jordan Was The Best Basketball Player To Ever Play.. and a lady slams open the door and tells every to get their things and get off campus. Everyone was like what? and she was like there has been a bomb threat to Muskingum University. Once everyone heard bomb half the class was gone and running out of Caldwell. People were running off campus driving cars out of the parking lot fast just trying to get the heck out of here. I think it was at least a 10 minute wait on the hill by the campus police before I got to the stop sign by the dentist office. yea it was a rather interesting day but the rest of classes that day were cancelled and the campus was shut down. We were suppose to have baseball hitting and lifting that day but we couldn't due to the bomb threat. I was kind of bummed because i needed to get a good lift and some swings in in the cage. I planned on going to the basketball game but it got cancelled because they had to do a campus search for the bomb. So the rest of the day I got emails saying they would get back to us on when classes would resume so they finally to us we would have am classes the next day.. The next day a lot of students didn't come back because they had been sent home because of the threat. But because I live so close I was able to attend class and in all of my classes there were probably about 10 students in each of my classes.. We didn't do much in any of them but we did take notes in my Psychology class because we have a test monday. yea pretty crazy huh I would have never guessed we would have a bomb threat to the small school of Muskingum but you never know what is going to happen.. a small little saying stuck with me from that day "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" alright everyone stay tuned for more post.. I'm out peace!

Number 3

Hello everyone! I went hunting and didn't see anything it was freezing out and it snowed hard off and on which wasn't pleasing while already freezing my butt off in the tree stand. It has been a weird weather pattern here for it being November, we have had our warm days and we have had our cold days and let me tell you when I say cold I mean cold!!!! With this early snow I'm hoping for a White Christmas we haven't had one of those in awhile it would be nice to have one this year. I think our campus is so awesome looking after it has snowed because we have trees everywhere and the snow on the trees looks pretty sweet. I think it would be pretty cool if there was a giant snowball fight on the quad, it would kind of be like the humans verse zombies game that was played on campus.. I think a lot  of kids would find fun in a snowball fight on the quad but then again in might also not be the greatest idea in something got broke like a window or if someone got injured then it would be such a great idea of having the snowball fight. I have to give recruits for baseball visits of the campus and the first thing most of them say is that we have a very beautiful campus and I can't disagree with them as I agree with them I always say you should see in it in the fall and when the trees have snow on them thats when our campus looks the best!!! As Thanksgiving gets closer I found a little job/housesitting thing Im going to do to make a little money over break and Im looking forward to having a little bit of money to spend because I could use some new shoes and a few more hats you can never have enough hats.. I enjoy wearing hats. Most of my outfits to class are sweats sweatshirt and a hat, when I go to class I like to feel comfortable and in sweats and a sweatshirt I am comfortable. This semester is coming to a close and I feel like it went by so fast, I thought high school went by fast but I am realizing that college is probably going to be a blur so Im trying to enjoy every minute of it I can, such as getting involved and having fun with my friends but at the same time keeping up with my school work. Peace

Number 2

Hello fellow friends. As I told you I am obsessed with sports. I attened the Mount Union football game. I worked the chain game so I was kind of part of the game in a way. I received work study for working the game and it is nice working chain gain to make a little mone while attending school. The game was close for the first half Muskingums advantage was the cold rainy weather not allowing Mount to throw the ball all over Muskingum. There was a point in the where Mount pulled away on a few Muskingum turnovers. We finished up fall ball for baseball at the beginning of this month now we have been lifting to get stronger and stay in shape. After the fall ball we had meetings with coach to see where we all stand and basically tell him how our time here at Muskingum is going academically and socially. The baseball team is full of a bunch of great guys we all have each others back and get along well. One of my good buddies is Logan Roberts he is a freshman and plays middle infield with me, we have some classes together and get along really well. During fall ball I realized the transition  high school baseball to college ball the game is played a lot faster and the players are a lot faster and stronger!!! We selected numbers for baseball and I chose number 4, I wore number 4 in high school when I played football. I have friends who attend other colleges in the OAC I have about 7 that go to Otterbein 2 that attend Capital. I spent a weekend in Columbus visiting all of them and it was a great time catching up with all my high school friends. We all will hangout when they come home for break and will basically live together over christmas break as we get a month off of school….can't wait for that. I had a job over summer and made pretty good money but I am now realizing that as I spend money Im not working so there is no money coming in so I can't spend like crazy if I plan on still having money on my card or in my bank when I go to do something I want. Can't spend it on stuff that I don't need such a eating out so much have to start eating stuff around the house and not spending all my money.

Hello Blogger

Hello my name is Matthew Lynn and I'm 18 years of age. I am currently attending Muskingum University and I also play baseball for the University. This blog is about me and my time here at Muskingum. I will be sharing stories of things that happen. My life might not be that exciting but I defiantly think you should follow along my journey. I will talk about things I have done on and of campus because I am a commuter. The other things I may talk about a lot of are sports, I surround my life with a lot of sports it is something I enjoy watching and also playing. Also I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending time with friends and family. The other things I will be sharing with you are the friends I have met here at Muskingum University. I will share my experience of transitioning from high school to college and how I have had to change a few things I use to do in high school I can't get away with in college. I hope you enjoy my blogs and decide to follow me and comment on my blogs. Now I will give you some information about Muskingum University. Muskingum University is a private four-year comprehensive college located in New Concord, Ohio. It is located approximately sixty miles east of the state capital of Columbus. The university was founded in 1837. The University offers 44 academic majors along with a large number of minors, 9 pre-professional programs (including pre-law and pre-medicine) and teaching license, all of which must be pursued within a strong liberal arts curriculum, known at Muskingum as the "Liberal Arts Essentials"(LAEs). Our school colors are black and magenta. Our conference is the OAC which stands for Ohio Athletic Conference. People should also know we are known as the school with hills, and trust me that is not an understatement because the hills here are serious they can make for a good leg workout. Now that you know more of my school and you know that I'm attending a very good school full of good opportunities for me to become whatever I want to be and be the best at what I want to do. Check my other blogs to see what I have been up to. Thank you for reading this Blog, have a good day fellow Bloggers! Peace out!