Monday, November 25, 2013

Number 8

Hey everybody. As we get closer and closer to thanksgiving break I am looking forward to all the food and I will eat. My family sits around and tells lies during Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see my grandparents I haven't seen my grandparents since the first day I left for college, my grandpa told me he has something for me so I'm pretty excited to see what he has for me because he usually gives me some pretty sweet gifts. My grandmother prepares some pretty awesome meals for about 20 family members and when she lays it out on the tables there is so much food it is not even funny but my family surprisingly finishes all the food. I can say I have a big part in fishing my portion of the food as I usually get about 3 or 4 plates full of food. If it wasn't so cold out my family would have back yard football game but the weather this year is going to prevent us from having the annual turkey bowl. So we will just watch NFL football on Thanksgiving after eating a bunch of food and getting fat. I can't explain how excited I am for getting a small break from all the school work and stuff as I will get to see friends and family over break. I will also go hunting over break and hunting is my time away from everything I sit in my tree stand and just relax and not worry about anything, until that big buck walks in off course then all I think about is how I'm going to shoot this buck. My brothers also go hunting with me which makes it that much more enjoyable when they shoot something and I help them track it through the woods. The naming of the turkey when my grandpa brings the turkey home from cooking it at his work we all gather around the turkey and name the turkey. The past few years his name has been Tom but I am going to suggest a new name for the turkey this year can't be naming him the same name three years in a row that doesn't sound like good luck to me. The weather in New Concord is not changing much it is remaining cold and they are calling for snow, which means the warm weather is gone for awhile unless a warm front comes through which you never know about Ohio. I'm out peace!!!!


  1. I also cant wait till Thanksgiving break. I just want a good home cooked meal. I miss seeing my grandparents and my little brother. I know he misses me and cant wait till I come home.

  2. thanksgiving break was very exciting I loved going home and spending time with my family it was a great time. I look forward to going home on my breaks.
